
Oh Brother, technology!

"The internet made my husband cheat on me so I need to join a gym and make him close his Facebook account!" she said in a serious tone.

These are true words spoken to a friend of mine. It appeared that the evils of the internet had interfered with her marriage and sent her world crumbling down.The internet had struck again. It was all the fault of modern technology. Or was it? Personally I find it hard to believe that the internet alone can be blamed for every affair or evil. Is the internet a monster? Or does it reveal the monsters that already lurk?

I have had my fair share of internet incidents to swear it off for good but as luck would have it technology made miracles happen this week for me. From the depths of my keyboards through all of the servers and across different wireless routers and finally back to my screen I was able to accomplish something I haven't yet been to able to do.

I found my long lost brother who I haven't spoken to in twelve years.

While I had tried to use conventional routes to find him, none of them worked. It wasn't until I checked again on Facebook that I found him. All those years of asking around and Mark Zuckerberg had tracked him down for me. A recently opened account finally would bridge those twelve years together. Without delay I reached out with the long arm of technology.

"Hi brother!" I posted on his wall.

I paused waiting for a response knowing it had to travel 120 miles to get to him.

"Hey Brother." he stated, ending a decade long silence between us.

Just like that technology made a miracle happen. And I know I'm not the only one who technology reached this week with miracles of wonder. I read a story earlier this week about a man who had been kidnapped as a baby and was well into his 30's befpre he discovered his own likeness on a site for missing children. After several phone calls authorities were able to look into his background and discovered he was taken as 5-month old baby. His father, who had never stopped looking for him, was thunderstruck and amazed.

The power of technology bringing people together. Maybe we shouldn't be so afraid of it after all. Study after study and large blazing newspaper headlines continually try to convince us that the all of our gadgets only make us more isolated and distant from each other. Maybe the next technological horizon will bring us closer in contact than mankind has ever been before.

I was so excited and triumphant about finding my long lost brother that I began to tell a friend who walked into the room.

"I finally found my brother!" I said as I noticed my friend pull out something from his pocket.

"Oh really?" he said eyes down while I began to share the details.

"I haven't seen him in twelve years! It's just so crazy! I can't believe I was finally was able to track him down! Can you believe it! All because of the wonders of technology! What a crazy world right!" I said smiling eyes wide and looking for his equally excited response.

"Huh?" he said ,"That's nice"

I stayed silent and just stared for a sec.

"Oh what where you saying?" he asked noticing my silence ," I wasn't really listening I was trying to get my blasted phone to work."

#$%@^&% technology!

1 comment:

  1. Clever title, Joe! I really enjoyed this one, and WOW, congrats on finding your brother! Write more on your blog!
